
Consiliul Local Timisoara

Hotararea 589/26.11.2019 privind aprobarea participării în calitate de partener, a Municipiului Timişoara la proiectul intitulat „European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities"/„Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta impotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităţilor", proiect aprobat de către Agenţia Executivă pentru Educaţie, Audiovizual şi Cultură (EACEA) din Bruxelles, nr. 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT


Hotararea Consiliului Local 589/26.11.2019
privind aprobarea participării în calitate de partener, a Municipiului Timişoara la proiectul intitulat „European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities"/„Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta impotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităţilor", proiect aprobat de către Agenţia Executivă pentru Educaţie, Audiovizual şi Cultură (EACEA) din Bruxelles, nr. 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT

Consiliul Local al Municipiului Timisoara

Având în vedere Expunerea de motive nr. SC2019-29155/14.11.2019 privind oportunitatea proiectului de hotărâre a Primarului Municipiului Timişoara- domnul Nicolae Robu;
Având în vedere Raportul de specialitate nr. SC2019-29155/14.11.2019 al Direcţiei Comunicare - Relaţionare din cadrul Primăriei Municipiului Timişoara;
Avand in vedere Adresa nr. SC2019-29155/20.11.2019 a Directiei Economice din cadrul Primariei Municipiului Timisoara;
Având în vedere Avizul Serviciului Juridic din data de 21.11.2019 - Anexă la Raportul de specialitate nr. SC2019-29155/14.11.2019;
Avand in vedere avizele Comisiei pentru studii, prognoze, economie, buget, finante, impozite si taxe, Comisiei pentru dezvoltare urbanistica , amenajarea teritoriului si patrimoniu si Comisiei pentru administrarea domeniului public si privat, servicii publice si comert, regii autonome si societati comerciale, Comisiei pentru administraţie locală, juridică, ordine publică, drepturlie omului şi probleme ale minorităţilor din cadrul Consiliului Local al Municipiului Timisoara;
Avand in vedere prevederile Legii nr. 500/2002, a finantelor publice, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare;
Avand in vedere prevederile Legii nr. 273/2006 cu privire la finantele publice locale, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare;
Avand in vedere prevederile Ordonantei Guvernului nr. 29/2015 privind gestionarea si utilizarea fondurilor externe nerambursabile si a cofinantarii publice nationale, pentru obiectivul "Cooperare teritoriala europeana", in perioada 2014-2020, precum si normele de punere in aplicare;
In conformitate cu dispozitiile art. 129, alin. (2), lit. b) şi e), alin. (7) lit. a), d) şi e) si alin (9), lit. c) din Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului nr. 57/2019 privind Codul administrativ;
In temeiul art. 139, alin. (1) din Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului nr. 57/2019 privind Codul administrativ;


Art. 1: Se aprobă participarea Municipiului Timişoara, în calitate de partener, în cadrul proiectului intitulat "European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities"/"Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta impotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităţilor", proiect aprobat de către Agenţia Executivă pentru Educaţie, Audiovizual şi Cultură (EACEA) din Bruxelles, nr. 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT.

Art. 2: Se aprobă încheierea Memorandumului de colaborare (Memorandum of cooperation) dintre Municipiul Timişoara, document prezentat în Anexa care face parte integrantă din prezenta hotărâre.

Art. 3: Se împuterniceşte Primarul Municipiului Timişoara, dl. Nicolae Robu, să semneze în numele Municipiului Timişoara, Memorandumul de colaborare (Memorandum of cooperation), precum şi orice alte documente necesare participării în calitate de partener, în cadrul proiectului intitulat "European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities"/"Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta impotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităţilor".

Art. 4: Memorandumul va fi semnat în limba engleză. În cazul eventualelor discrepanţe în interpretarea dispoziţiilor prezentului memorandum, textul englez prevalează datorită faptului că limba engleză este limba de lucru a parteneriatului de implementare a proiectului "European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities"/"Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta impotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităţilor".

Art. 5: Cu aducerea la îndeplinire a prezentei hotărâri se încredinţează Direcţia Comunicare-Relaţionare din cadrul Primăriei Municipiului Timişoara şi Direcţia Economică din cadrul Primăriei Municipiului Timişoara.

Art.6: Prezenta hotărâre se publică în Buletinul Informativ al Primăriei Municipiului Timişoara şi pe site-ul propriu şi totodată, se comunică:
- Instituţiei Prefectului - Judeţului Timiş
- Primarului Municipiului Timişoara;
- Direcţiei Comunicare-Relaţionare;
- Serviciului Juridic;
- Direcţiei Economice;
- Direcţiei Dezvoltare;
- Direcţiei Urbanism:
- Direcţiei Generală Drumuri, Poduri, Parcaje şi Reţele de Utilităţi;
- Direcţiei Cladiri, Terenuri si Dotari Diverse I Est;
- Direcţiei Clădiri, Terenuri şi Dotări Diverse II Vest;
- Biroului Audit;
- Biroului Managementul Calităţii;
- Corpului de Control şi Antifraudă al Primarului;
- Mass-media locale.

Presedinte de sedinta

Atasament: EuTown-mail19sep30GrantDecisionSigned.pdf

Crant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019

#S Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Europe for Citizens


Decision Nr 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

on the award ofa grant to support

Strand I - European Remembrance (REMEM) Strand 2 - Democratic engagement and civic participationn Measures Civil Society Projects

(CIV), Networks of Towns (NT) and Town Twinning (TT) within the Europe for Citizens Programme

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (hereinafter referred to as "the Agency"), acting under powers delegated by the European Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;

Having regard to the COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 390/2014 OJ L ll5/3 of 1710412014; estalrlishing thc 'Iiuro;re lirr Citiztns' llrogranrntc lirr thc pcriod 2$11-2ll2ll1"


(1) Regulation (EU, Euratorn) 201811046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of l8 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 129612013. (EU) No 1301i2013. (EU) No 1303/2013. (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 131612013. (EU) No 22312014. (EU) No 28312014. and Decision No 541/20141EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 96612012 PEl13l20l8/REV/l (OJ L I 93,30.7.2018, p. l-222).

(2) Commission lmplementing Decision 2013177618U of l9 Decernber 2013 establishing the "Education. Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency" I and repealing Decision 2009133619C of 20 April 20092 setting up the Education, Audiovisual and Cr.rlture Executive Agency for the management of Community action in the fields of education. audiovisual and

culture in application of Council Regulation (EC) No 58/20033 provides that the Agency is responsible for the management of grants to be awarded under the Union programmes delegated to it, including the Europe for Citizens Progralnme;

I OJ L 343 of 19.12.2013. p. 46 2oJ L l0l of amendedsubsequently 3 OJ L I I of 16.01 .2003, p. L

Ref. Ares(2019)5137104 - 07/08/2019

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1359 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency RI Europe for Citizens GRANT DECISION FOR AN ACTION Decision Nr 2019 - 1559/ 001 - 001 of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency on the award of a grant to support Strand 1 — European Remembrance (REMEM) Strand 2 - Democratic engagement and civic participation, Measures Civil Society Projects (CIV), Networks of Towns (NT) and Town Twinning (TT) within the Europe for Citizens Programme The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (hereinafter referred to as "the Agency"), acting under powers delegated by the European Commission (hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”), Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; Having regard to the COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 390/2014 0J L 115/3 of 17/04/2014; establishing the “Europe for Citizens” programme for the period 2014-2024; Whereas: (1) Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 PE/13/2018/REV/1 (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1222). (2) Commission Implementing Decision 2013/776/EU of 19 December 2013 establishing the "Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency"! and repealing Decision 2009/336/EC of 20 April 20092 setting up the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency for the management of Community action in the fields of education, audiovisual and culture in application of Council Regulation (EC) No 58/20035 provides that the Agency is responsible for the management of grants to be awarded under the Union programmes delegated to it, including the Europe for Citizens Programme; 1 OJL 343 of 19.12.2013, p. 46 2OJL 101 0f21.04.2009, p. 26. as amended subsequently. 30JL 11 of 16.01.2003, p. 1.
E a? CSA E oa

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019

(3) Commission Decision C(2018)7435 of l3 November 2018 amending Commission Decision C(2013)9189 of l8 December 2013 delegating powers to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency with a view to performance of tasks linked to irnplementation of Union Programmes in the fields of education, audiovisual and culture. comprising, in particular. implementation of appropriations entered in the general budget of the Union and the EDF allocations;

(4) On l7ll2l20l8. the Agency published the call for proposals no EACEA-S112018 Europe for Citizens programlne- actions grants 20 l9 (the "call") in orderto support Strand l:European Remelnbrance and Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation within the franrework of the Europe for Citizens Programme 2014-2020;

(s) This Grant Decision is adopted following a call for proposals by which applicants have been informed of the model Grant Decision of the Agency and of the General Conditions. Submission of a grant application irnplies acceptance of the Ceneral Conditions annexed to this Grant Decision;

(6) The addressee ofthis Grant Decision presented a grant application under this call for proposals (application No 612749-ClTlZ-|-2019-l-LV-CITIZ-NT), wherein he declares that he has taken note of the conditions set out in the call, including the General Conditions of the model Grant Decision annexed to it, and accepts thern;

(7) The application fulflls the conditions set out in the abovementioned call for proposals and has been selected:

(8) The Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185196 of ll November 1996 concerning on-the- spot checks and inspections carried out by the Cornmission in order to protect the European Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularitiesa and Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and the Councilof I I September 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)s provide for measures for the effective protection of the Union's financial interests;

(9) The Agency, the Comrnission and the European Court of Auditors may check the use made of the grant at any time during the implementation of the action and during a period of five years following the date of payment of the balance or of three years following the payment of the balance in the case the maximum amount of the grant is not more than EUR 60 000.

( l0) Whereas the Commission has taken a decision No C(2013)71 80 on 3 I .10.2013 authorizing the use of lump sums and reimbursement on the basis of unit costs to cover one or more different categories of eligible costs under the "Europe for Citizens" programme.

(ll) The generic terrn"action" used hereinafter in the Grant decision means the work programme of the beneficiary as described in Annex l.


I ()JLl92. 15 ll leq6.p : 5.

5 or t' r48. 18.09.2013 p. l-22.


Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Model grant decision: May 2019 Commission Decision C(2018)7435 of 13 November 2018 amending Commission Decision C(2013)9189 of 18 December 2013 delegating powers to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency with a view to performance of tasks linked to implementation of Union Programmes in the fields of education, audiovisual and culture, comprising, in particular, implementation of appropriations entered in the general budget of the Union and the EDF allocations; On 17/12/2018, the Agency published the call for proposals n” EACEA-51/2018 Europe for Citizens programme — actions grants 2019 (the "call") in order to support Strand 1: European Remembrance and Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation within the framework of the Europe for Citizens Programme 2014-2020; This Grant Decision is adopted following a call for proposals by which applicants have been informed of the model Grant Decision of the Agency and of the General Conditions. Submission of a grant application implies acceptance of the General Conditions annexed to this Grant Decision; The addressee of this Grant Decision presented a grant application under this call for proposals (application No 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT), wherein he declares that he has taken note of the conditions set out in the call, including the General Conditions of the model Grant Decision annexed to it, and accepts them; The application fulfils the conditions set out in the abovementioned call for proposals and has been selected; The Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the- spot checks and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities” and Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council of 11 September 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) provide for measures for the effective protection of the Union's financial interests; The Agency, the Commission and the European Court of Auditors may check the use made of the grant at any time during the implementation of the action and during a period of five years following the date of payment of the balance or of three years following the payment of the balance in the case the maximum amount of the grant is not more than EUR 60 000. Whereas the Commission has taken a decision No C(2013)7180 on 31.10.2013 authorizing the use of lump sums and reimbursement on the basis of unit costs to cover one or more different categories of eligible costs under the "Europe for Citizens" programme. The generic term "action" used hereinafter in the Grant decision means the work programme of the beneficiary as described in Annex |. HAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS: 4 0JL 5 0JL 292, 15.11.19%, p. 2-5 "48, 18.09.2013 p. 1-22.

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019


A European Union grant is awarded to:



hereinafter referred to as'"the beneficiary".

represented for the purposes of this Grant Decision by Daiga MIERINA

for the action entitled European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities ("the action") as described in Annex l, under the terms and conditions set out in the present Grant Decision, the General Conditions and the other Annexes to this Grant Decision.

The beneficiary shall implement the action, acting on its own responsibility


2.1 The Grant Decision shall take effect on the date of its notification to the beneficiary.

2.2 The action shall be carried out between 20-09-2019 and 19-09-2021


3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is EUR 148.680,00.

3.2 The grant takes the form ofi

(q) Reimbursement of eligible costs: not applicable

(b) a unit contribution ("unit contribution") to cover the following categories of eligible costs: - staffcosts - travel and overnight stay costs - rental of room/interpretation/translation/technical resources - communication/dissemination costs

- coordination costs. (onty appticaUte to and Strqnd 2 - Democratic

'|,'letw orks qf Tow ns' (NT) )

@ a lump sum contribution ("lump sum contribution") to cover the following categories of eligible costs:

Option 1 only applicable to Strand I -'European Remembrance' (REMEM) and Strand 2 - Democratic engagement and civic participation, Measure 'Civil SocietJ) Prqiects' (CIV)

related to the preparatory activities linked to the action:


Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 ARTICLE 1— PURPOSE OF THE GRANT A European Union grant is awarded to: CARNIKAVAS NOVADA DOME STACIIAS STREET 5, PO BOX LV - 2163 CARNIKAVA hereinafter referred to as “the beneficiary”, represented for the purposes of this Grant Decision by Daiga MIERINA for the action entitled European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities_ ("the action") as described in Annex l, under the terms and conditions set out in the present Grant Decision, the General Conditions and the other Annexes to this Grant Decision. The beneficiary shall implement the action, acting on its own responsibility. ARTICLE 2 — ENTRY INTO FORCE AND IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD OF THE GRANT DECISION 2.) The Grant Decision shall take effect on the date of its notification to the beneficiary. 22 The action shall be carried out between 20-09-2019 and 19-09-2021. ARTICLE 3 — MAXIMUM AMOUNT AND FORM OF GRANT 3.1 The maximum amount of the grant is EUR 148.680,00. 3.2 The grant takes the form of: (a) Reimbursement of eligible costs: not applicable (b) a unit contribution (“unit contribution”) to cover the following categories of eligible costs: - staff costs - travel and overnight stay costs - rental of room/interpretation/translation/technical resources - communication/dissemination costs - coordination costs. (only applicable to Strand 1 — 'European Remembrance' (REMEM) and Strand 2 - Democratic engagement and civic participation, Measures "Civil Society Projects” (CIV) and Networks of Towns' (NT)) (c) a lump sum contribution (“lump sum contribution”) to cover the following categories of eligible costs: Option 1 only applicable to Strand 1 — 'European Remembrance” (REMEM) and Strand 2 - Democratic engagement and civic participation, Measure 'Civil Society Projects! (CIV) related to the preparatory activities linked to the action:

Grant decision nunrber: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019

- travel and overnight stay costs - costs for research and IT tools

Ontion 2 only applicable to Strand 2 - Democratic engagement and civic participation, 'Town Tw

related to the implementation of the action: - travel and overnight stay costs

(d) flat-rate contribution: not applicable.

(e) Financing not linked to costs: not applicable.



4.1 Reporting periods

The action is divided into the following reporting periods:

- Reporting period I : from 20-09-2019 to the end of the period set out in Article 2.2

4.2 Request for second pre-financing payment and supporting documents Not applicable

4.3 Request for interim payment and supporting documents Not applicable

4.4 Request for payment of the balance and supporting documents The beneficiary must submit a request for payment of the balance within 60 calendar days following the end ofthe last reporting period.

This request must be accompanied by the following documents:

(a) a final report on implementation of the action ('final technical report'), drawn up in accordance with Annex IV, containing:

(i) the information needed to justify the contribution requested on the basis of unit costs and lump sums (as provided for in Article 3.2(b) and (c);

(ii) information on subcontracting as referred to in General condition n' I L l(d);

(b) a final financial statement ('final financial statement'). The final financial statement must include a consolidated statement and a breakdown of the amounts claimed bv the beneficiary.

The final financial statement must be drawn up in accordance with the structure of the estimated budget set out in Annex Ill and in accordance with Annex V and detail the amounts for each of the forms of grant set out in Article 3.2 for the last reporting period;


Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 - travel and overnight stay costs - costs for research and IT tools Option 2 only applicable to Strand 2 - Democratic engagement and civic participation, Measure 'Town Twinning' (TT) related to the implementation of the action: - travel and overnight stay costs (d) contribution: not applicable. (e) Financing not linked to costs: not applicable. ARTICLE 4 — REPORTING, REQUESTS FOR PAYMENTS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 4.1 Reporting periods The action is divided into the following reporting periods: - Reporting period 1: from 20-09-2019 to the end of the period set out in Article 2.2 42 Request for second pre-financing payment and supporting documents Not applicable 4.3 Request for interim payment and supporting documents Not applicable 4.4 Request for payment of the balance and supporting documents The beneficiary must submit a request for payment of the balance within 60 calendar days following the end of the last reporting period. This request must be accompanied by the following documents: (a) a final report on implementation of the action (“final technical report”), drawn up in accordance with Annex IV, containing: (1) the information needed to justify the contribution requested on the basis of unit costs and lump sums (as provided for in Article 3.2(b) and (c); (11) information on subcontracting as referred to in General condition n* 11.1(d); (b) a final financial statement (“final financial statement). The final financial statement must include a consolidated statement and a breakdown of the amounts claimed by the beneficiary. The final financial statement must be drawn up in accordance with the structure of the estimated budget set out in Annex lIll and in accordance with Annex V and detail the amounts for each of the forms of grant set out in Article 3.2 for the last reporting period;

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019

The beneficiary lnust certify that the inforrnation provided in the request for payrnent of the balance is full. reliable and true.

The beneficiary must also certify that the costs incurred can be considered eligible in accordance with the Grant decision and that the request for payrnent is substantiated by adequate supporting documents that can be produced in the context ofthe checks or audits described in General condition no 27.

4.5 Information on cumulative expenditure incurred Not applicable

4.6 Currency for requests for payment and financial statements and conversion into euro Requests for payment and financial statements must be drafted in euros.

The beneficiary with general accounts in a currency other than the euro must convert costs incurred in another currency into euros at the average of the daily exchange rates published in the C series of the Official Jottrnal of the European Union (available at !r!tp'14ty$1y.Sch.cu1ep_teqlg1a!,s:19xqlt-qlg{al4p [U:e,l,j],{l:[,,rnd-e-X,i:-n,,1]1ntl), deterrnined over the corresponding reporting period.

If no daily euro exchange rate is published in the Offcial Journal o/' the European Llnion for the currency in question, conversion must be made at the average of the monthly accounting rates established by the Commission and published on its website (ht1p://"r/bLrdgeticontracts grants,/in{b.*.,contractsiin{'oreurolinlcreLrrq3ryjill), detennined over the corresponding reporting period.

The beneficiary with general accounts in euros rnust conved costs incurred in another currency into euros in accordance with their usual accounting practices.

4.7 Language of requests for payments, technical reports and financial statements All requests for payments, technical reports and financial statements must be subrnitted in any of the EU official languages.


5.1 Payments to be made The Agency rnust rnake the following payments to the beneficiary:

- one pre-financing payment (no pre-financing payrnent for Strand 2 Town Twinning (TT))

- one payment ofthe balance, on the basis ofthe request for payrnent ofthe balance referred to in Article 4.4.

5.2 Pre-financing paymentlsl

The aim of the pre-financing is to provide the beneficiary with a float. T'he pre-financing remains the property ofthe European Union ('the Union') until it is cleared against interim payments or, if it is not cleared against interim payments, until the payment of the balance.

The Agency must make the pre-financing payment of 60Yo of the tnaximum atnount specified in Article 3.1 to the beneficiary within 30 calendar days frorn the notification of the Grant decision, except if Generalcondition n" 24.1applies.

5.3 Interim paymentlsl

Not applicable


Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 The beneficiary must certify that the information provided in the request for payment of the balance is full, reliable and true. The beneficiary must also certify that the costs incurred can be considered eligible in accordance with the Grant decision and that the request for payment is substantiated by adequate supporting documents that can be produced in the context of the checks or audits described in General condition n” 27. 4.5 Information on cumulative expenditure incurred Not applicable 4.6 Currency for requests for payment and financial statements and conversion into euro Requests for payment and financial statements must be drafted in euros. The beneficiary with general accounts in a currency other than the euro must convert costs incurred in another currency into euros at the average of the daily exchange rates published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union (available at http;/, determined over the corresponding reporting period. If no daily euro exchange rate is published in the Official Journal of the European Union for the currency in question, conversion must be made at the average of the monthly accounting rates established by the Commission and published on its website ( grants/info contracts/inforeuro/inforeuro en.cfim), determined over the corresponding reporting period. The beneficiary with general accounts in euros must convert costs incurred in another currency into euros in accordance with their usual accounting practices. 4.7 Language of requests for payments, technical reports and financial statements All requests for payments, technical reports and financial statements must be submitted in any of the EU official languages. ARTICLE 5 — PAYMENTS AND PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS 3.1 Payments to be made The Agency must make the following payments to the beneficiary: - one pre-financing payment (no pre-financing payment for Strand 2 Town Twinning (TT)) - one payment of the balance, on the basis of the request for payment of the balance referred to in Article 4.4. S,Z Pre-financing payment|s] The aim of the pre-financing is to provide the beneficiary with a float. The pre-financing remains the property of the European Union (“the Union?) until it is cleared against interim payments or, if it is not cleared against interim payments, until the payment of the balance. The Agency must make the pre-financing payment of 60% of the maximum amount specified in Article 3.1 to the beneficiary within 30 calendar days from the notification of the Grant decision, except if General condition n” 24.1 applies. 5.3 Interim payment|[s| Not applicable

Grant decision nunrber: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant dccision: May 2019

5.4 Payment of the balance

The payment of the balance reimburses or covers the remaining part of the eligible costs and contributions for the implementation of the action.

If the total alnount of earlier payments is greater than the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with General condition n" 25, the payment of the balance takes the fonn of a recovery as plovided fbr by General condition n" 26.

If the total atnount of earlier payments is lower than the flnal amount of the grant determined in accordance with General condition no 25, the Agency must pay the balance within 60 calendar days from when it receives the documents referred to in Article.4.4, except if General condition n" 24.1 or General condition n" 24.2 apply.

Payrnent is subject to the approval of the request fbr payment of the balance and of the accompanying documents. Their approval does not imply recognition of the compliance, authenticity, completeness or correctness oftheir content.

Thc Agcncy'dctcrmincs thc aurount duc as tlte lralauce by deducting tlie tutal arrruurr[ ulplc-firrarruirrg and interim payments (if any) already made from the final arnount of the grant determined in accordance with General condition no.25.

The amount to be paid may. however, be offset, without the beneficiary's consent, against any other alnount owed by the beneficiary to the Commission or to an executive agency (under the EU or Euratom budget). up to the maximunt amount of the grant.

5.5 Notification of amounts due

(a) The Agency lnust send a formal notification to the beneficiary informing it of the amount due; and

(b) specifying whether the notiflcation concerns an interim payment or the payment of the balance.

For the payment of the balance, the Agency must also specify the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with General condition n" 25.

Not applicable for Strand 2 Town Twinning (TT)

5.6 lnterest on late payment lf the Agency does not pay within the time limits for payment, the beneficiary is entitled to late- payment interest at the rate applied by the European Central Bank for its main refinancing operations in euros ('the reference rate'), plus three and a halfpoints. The reference rate is the rate in force on the first day of the rnonth in which the tirne limit fbr payment expires, as published in the C series of the Official Journcrl o/'the European Union.

Late-payrrent interest is not due if the beneficiary is a Member State of the Union (including regional and local government authorities and other public bodies acting in the name of and on behalf of the Member State for the purpose of the Grant decision).

If the Agency suspends the time limit for payment as provided for in General condition n" 24.2 or if it suspends an actual payment as provided for in General condition no 24.1, these actions may not be considered as cases ol late payment.

Late-payment interest covers the period running from the day following the due date for payment, up to and including the date of actual payment as established in Article 5.8. The Agency does not


Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 5.4 Payment of the balance The payment of the balance reimburses or covers the remaining part of the eligible costs and contributions for the implementation of the action. If the total amount of earlier payments is greater than the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with General condition n* 25, the payment of the balance takes the form of a recovery as provided for by General condition n 26. If the total amount of earlier payments is lower than the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with General condition n” 25, the Agency must pay the balance within 60 calendar days from when it receives the documents referred to in Article.4.4, except if General condition n” 24.1 or General condition n” 24.2 apply. Payment is subject to the approval of the request for payment of the balance and of the accompanying documents. Their approval does not imply recognition of the compliance, authenticity, completeness or correctness of their content. The Agency determines the amount due as the balance by deducting the total amount of pre-financing and interim payments (if any) already made from the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with General condition n?.25. The amount to be paid may, however, be offset, without the beneficiary's consent, against any other amount owed by the beneficiary to the Commission or to an executive agency (under the EU or Euratom budget), up to the maximum amount of the grant. 5.5 Notification of amounts due (a) The Agency must send a formal notification to the beneficiary informing it of the amount due; and (b) specifying whether the notification concerns an interim payment or the payment of the balance. For the payment of the balance, the Agency must also specify the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with General condition n” 25. Not applicable for Strand 2 Town Twinning (TT) 5.6 Interest on late payment If the Agency does not pay within the time limits for payment, the beneficiary is entitled to late- payment interest at the rate applied by the European Central Bank for its main refinancing operations in euros (“the reference rate?), plus three and a half points. The reference rate is the rate in force on the first day of the month in which the time limit for payment expires, as published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union. Late-payment interest is not due if the beneficiary is a Member State of the Union (including regional and local government authorities and other public bodies acting in the name of and on behalf of the Member State for the purpose of the Grant decision). If the Agency suspends the time limit for payment as provided for in General condition n? 24.2 or if it suspends an actual payment as provided for in General condition n” 24.1, these actions may not be considered as cases of late payment. Late-payment interest covers the period running from the day following the due date for payment, up to and including the date of actual payment as established in Article 5.8. The Agency does not

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 00t Model grant decision: May 2019

consider payable interest when determining the final amount of grant within the rneaning of General condition n" 25.

As an exception to the first subparagraph, if the calculated interest is lower than or equal to EUR 200, it must be paid to the beneficiary only if the beneficiary requests it within two months of receiving late payment.

5.7 Currency for payments

The Agency must make payments in euros.

5.8 Date of payment

Payments by the Agency are considered to have been carried out on the date when they are debited to its account.

5.9 Costs of payment transfers Costs of the payment transfers are borne as follows:

(a) the Agency and/or the Commission bears the costs of transfer charged by its bank;

(b) the beneficiary bears the costs oftransfer charged by its bank;

(c) the party causing a repetition ofa transfer bears all costs ofrepeated transfers.

5.10 Payments to the beneficiary The Agency must make payments to the beneficiary.

Payments to the beneficiary discharge the Agency from its payment obligation.

ARTICLE 6 - BANK ACCOUNT FOR PAYMENTS All payments must be made to the beneficiary's bank account as indicated below:

Name of the bank: SEB BANKA Address of branch: SEB FINANCE CENTER MEISTARU I VALDL, LV RIGA Precise denomination of the account holder: CARNIKAVAS NOVADA DOME IBAN code: LV59UNLA0050003955 I 58


Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 consider payable interest when determining the final amount of grant within the meaning of General condition n” 253. As an exception to the first subparagraph, if the calculated interest is lower than or equal to EUR 200, it must be paid to the beneficiary only if the beneficiary requests it within two months of receiving late payment. 5.7 Currency for payments The Agency must make payments in euros. 5.8 Date of payment Payments by the Agency are considered to have been carried out on the date when they are debited to its account. 5.9 Costs of payment transfers Costs of the payment transfers are borne as follows: (a) the Agency and/or the Commission bears the costs of transfer charged by its bank; (b) the beneficiary bears the costs of transfer charged by its bank; (c) the party causing a repetition of a transfer bears all costs of repeated transfers. 5.10 Payments to the beneficiary The Agency must make payments to the beneficiary. Payments to the beneficiary discharge the Agency from its payment obligation. ARTICLE 6 — BANK ACCOUNT FOR PAYMENTS All payments must be made to the beneficiary's bank account as indicated below: Name of the bank: SEB BANKA Address of branch: SEB FINANCE CENTER MEISTARU I VALDL, LV. RIGA Precise denomination of the account holder: CARNIKAVAS NOVADA DOME IBAN code: LV59UNLA 0050003955158

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019

ARTICLE 7 - DATA CONTROLLER, COMMUNICATION DETAILS OF THE PARTIES 7.1 Data controller The entity acting as a data controller as provided for in General condition no 7 is the Director of the Agency

7.2 Communication details of the Agency Any communication addressed to the Agency must be sent to the following addressr

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Mr Gilles PELAYO Unit Europe for Citizens Office : SPA2 03/89 l, Avenue du Bourget I 04 9 Brussels


e-mails: eacea-c I -rernenrbrance(LDec.eul' (European Remembrance)

_eitgea:9_l_:c_r_v'Llsolle0(aejl9! HACUA-C l-I'I-N'I(C) (Networks of Towns & Town Twinning)

7.3 Communication details of the beneficiary Any communication from the Agency to the beneficiary must be sent to the following address:




The Annex ll "General Conditions" (hereinafter referred to as the "General Conditions") and the other Annexes to the present Grant Decision form an integral part of the present Grant Decision. The terms set out in this Grant Decision shall take precedence over those in the General Conditions. The terms of the General Conditions shall take precedence over the other Annexes.

ARTTCLE 9 - ADDITIONAL PROVTSTONS ON USE OF THE RESULTS (TNCLUDINGINTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS) In accordance with General condition no 9.3, whereby the Agency and/or the Union acquires rights to use the resufts of the action, these results may be exploited using any of the following modes:

(a) distribution to the public in hard copies, in electronic or digital format, on the internet including social networks as a downloadable or non-downloadable file;


(b) communication through press information services;

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 ARTICLE 7 — DATA CONTROLLER, COMMUNICATION DETAILS OF THE PARTIES 7.1 Data controller The entity acting as a data controller as provided for in General condition n' 7 is the Director of the Agency CE Communication details of the Agency Any communication addressed to the Agency must be sent to the following address: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Mr Gilles PELAYO Unit Europe for Citizens Office : SPA2 03/89 1, Avenue du Bourget 1049 Brussels Belgium e-mails: (European Remembrance) eacea-cl-civilsociety( (Civil Society Projects) EACEA-CI-TT-NT( (Networks of Towns & Town Twinning) 7.3 Communication details of the beneficiary Any communication from the Agency to the beneficiary must be sent to the following address: CARNIKAVAS NOVADA DOME, STACIJAS STREET 5, PO BOX LV 2163 CARNIKAVA ARTICLE 8 — ORDER OF PRECEDENCE AND ANNEXES The Annex Il "General Conditions" (hereinafter referred to as the "General Conditions") and the other Annexes to the present Grant Decision form an integral part of the present Grant Decision. The terms set out in this Grant Decision shall take precedence over those in the General Conditions. The terms of the General Conditions shall take precedence over the other Annexes. ARTICLE 9 — ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS ON USE OF THE RESULTS (INCLUDING INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS) In accordance with General condition n” 9.3, whereby the Agency and/or the Union acquires rights to use the results of the action, these results may be exploited using any of the following modes: (a) distribution to the public in hard copies, in electronic or digital format, on the internet including social networks as a downloadable or non-downloadable file; b) communication through press information services; ) g

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019

(c) inclusion in widely accessible databases or indexes, such as via'open access' or'open data' portals, or similar repositories, whether freely accessible or accessible only upon subscription;

(d) edit or re-write in another way the results of the action, including shortening, summarising, modifying the content, correcting technical errors in the content

(e) cut, insert meta-data, legends or other graphic, visual, audio or word elements in the results of the action;

(0 extract a part (e.9. audio or video files) oi divide into parts or compile the results of the qction;

(g) prepare derivative works of the results of the action;

(h) translate, insert subtitles in, dub the results ofthe action in

all official languages of EU

(i) license or sub-license to third parties, including ifthere are licensed pre-existing rights, any of the rights or modes of exploitation set out of in the points above

The beneficiary must ensure that the Agency and/or the Union has the rights of use specified in the Ceneral Conditions and in the points above for the whole duration of the industrial or intellectual property rights concerned.

ARTICLE IO - INAPPLICABILITY OF THE NO-PROFIT PRINCIPLE As an exception to General condition n" 25.3, the no-profit principle does not apply to lhe action


1 . For the purpose of poor, partial or late implementation as provided for in General condition n" 25.4, the assessment of the implementation of the project will be perfonned by the Agency, which will result in the award of a score comprised between }oh and l00o/o, where 0% is at the bottorn of the rating scale (corresponding to the worst quality of implementation) and 100% is at the top (corresponding to the best quality of implementation).

2. The score awarded will take into account the existence and seriousness of non-. poor, partial or late implementation, and its impact on the achievement of the project. If the score is below 50%, the following reduction rates may be applied on the maximum amount of the grant provided for in the grant decision:

. 25%o if the project scores at least 40o/o and below 500%, meaning that some objectives/results set in the application have not been reached, limiting the global result of the project:


Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 (c) inclusion in widely accessible databases or indexes, such as via “open access? or “open data? portals, or similar repositories, whether freely accessible or accessible only upon subscription; (d) edit or re-write in another way the results of the action, including shortening, summarising, modifying the content, correcting technical errors in the content (e) cut, insert meta-data, legends or other graphic, visual, audio or word elements in the results of the action; (f) extract a part (e.g. audio or video files) of, divide into parts or compile the results of the action; (g) prepare derivative works of the results of the action; (h) translate, insert subtitles in, dub the results of the action in: - all official languages of EU (i) license or sub-license to third parties, including if there are licensed pre-existing rights, any of the rights or modes of exploitation set out of in the points above The beneficiary must ensure that the Agency and/or the Union has the rights of use specified in the General Conditions and in the points above for the whole duration of the industrial or intellectual property rights concerned. ARTICLE 10 — INAPPLICABILITY OF THE NO-PROFIT PRINCIPLE As an exception to General condition n” 23.3, the no-profit principle does not apply to the action. ARTICLE 11 - GRANT REDUCTION IN THE CASE OF NON-COMPIANCE WITH AN OBLIGATION UNDER THE GRANT DECISION AND FOR NON-, POOR, PARTIAL, OR LATE IMPLEMENTATION 1. For the purpose of poor, partial or late implementation as provided for in General condition n” 235.4, the assessment of the implementation of the project will be performed by the Agency, which will result in the award of a score comprised between 0% and 100%, where 0% is at the bottom of the rating scale (corresponding to the worst quality of implementation) and 100% is at the top (corresponding to the best quality of implementation). 2. The score awarded will take into account the existence and seriousness of non-, poor, partial or late implementation, and its impact on the achievement of the project. If the score is below 50%, the following reduction rates may be applied on the maximum amount of the grant provided for in the grant decision: . 25% if the project scores at least 40% and below 50%, meaning that some objectives/results set in the application have not been reached, limiting the global result of the project;

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 00t Model grant decision: May 2019

' 35oA if the project scores at least 30% and below 40Vo meaning that several important objectives/results set in the application have not been reached, the global result ofthe project has been affected and the project can be considered only partially achieved;

' 55o/o if the project scores at 1east20%o and below 30oZ meaning that the majority of the objectives/results set in the application have not been reached, the global result ofthe project has been strongly affected and the project cannot be considered achieved;

' 75oA if the project scores below 20oh, meaning that any objectives/results set in the application have not been reached and any substantial outcomes ofthe project have not been reached in a satisfactory way.

3. Without prejudice to the right to terminate the grant, the Agency may also apply a20o/o- reduction rate on the maximum amount of the grant if an obligation under the Grant Decision has been breached, in particular in case of non-compliance with the obligation of visibility of Union funding set out in General condition no 8 which constitutes a substantial obligation.



Gilles PELAYO Head of Unit

Done at Brussets, _ i. 0s" 201!


Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 . 35% if the project scores at least 30% and below 40% meaning that several important objectives/results set in the application have not been reached, the global result of the project has been affected and the project can be considered only partially achieved; . 35% if the project scores at least 20% and below 30% meaning that the majority of the objectives/results set in the application have not been reached, the global result of the project has been strongly affected and the project cannot be considered achieved; . 75% if the project scores below 20%, meaning that any objectives/results set in the application have not been reached and any substantial outcomes of the project have not been reached in a satisfactory way. s 3. Without prejudice to the right to terminate the grant, the Agency may also apply a 20%- reduction rate on the maximum amount of the grant if an obligation under the Grant Decision has been breached, in particular in case of non-compliance with the obligation of visibility of Union funding set out in General condition n” 8 which constitutes a substantial obligation. SIGNATURES e Agency Gilles PELAYO Head of Unit = , | 0 4 Done at Brussels, + 03 20% 10

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 00t - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019

Annex VIII

Description of the action

General Conditions ('the General Conditions")

Estimated budget

Model technical activity report

Model financial statement (included in Annex IV)

Model terms of reference for the certificate on the financial statements: not applicable

Model terms of reference for the certificate on the compliance of the cost accounting practices: not applicable

Model terms of reference for the operational verification report: not applicable

Annex I

Annex II

Annex III

Annex IV

Annex V

Annex VI

Annex VII

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 Annex ] Description of the action Annex Il General Conditions (“the General Conditions”) Annex Ill Estimated budget Annex IV Model technical activity report Annex V Model financial statement (included in Annex IV) Annex VI Model terms of reference for the certificate on the financial statements: not applicable Annex VII Model terms of reference for the certificate on the compliance of the cost accounting practices: not applicable Annex VIII Model terms of reference for the operational verification report: not applicable

€rant dccision mmber: affi9- 1ii59l00t -0Of Model grant decision: Mav 2019



The grant awarded aims at implementing the activities as they are described in the application form


For the project whose title is: European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities

Registered by the Executive Agency under the reference number: 612749-ClTlZ-l-2019-l-LV- CITIZ.NT

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 ANNEXI DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION The grant awarded aims at implementing the activities as they are described in the application form: Submitted by: CARNIKAVAS NOVADA DOME For the project whose title is: European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities Registered by the Executive Agency under the reference number: 612749-C1TIZ-1-2019-1-LV- CITIZ-NT

Grant decision number: 20t9 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019


Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 ANNEX Il — GENERAL CONDITIONS

Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019



Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 ANNEX III ESTIMATED BUDGET OF THE ACTION

t Europefor Citizens Farnt versictn:-1.5 [/V Adabe R*nder version : I 9.0I 02A098

C.5 Budget

A. Project activities

Proiect should invalve at least 30a/o af invited participants. lnvited participants are internationul participants sent by eligible partners.

B, P reparatory activities

148.680 €

Submission nunber: 6 t 27 Aq-CIT\ Z, t -20 1 9- t -LV-ClTtZ-NT

Page 67 o{ 80

27.720€76/"t00 13-15

30.240 €101/125 't3-15

10"t/12s 13-15 30.240 €

101/'t25 13-15 30.240 €

101/125 13-1s 30.240 €

148.680 €srrtElEl


N/A 0€


NltidiEftrriairftEr:IF nfiInIIIt


The connection test succeeded.

Europe for Citizens Form version : 3.5 EN Adobe Reader version : 19.01020098 C.5 Budget A. Project activities Project should involve at least 30% of invited participants. Invited participants are înternational participants sent by eligibile partners. Total number of participants per AICI Number of involved countries 76/100 101/125 13-15 30.240 € 101/125 13-15 30.240 € 101/1725 13-15 30.240 € 101/125 13-15 30.240 € 148.680 € B. Preparatory activities Number of participants Amount N/A 0€ STEI 0€ Total costs (A+B) 148.680 € Submission number: EEE Page 6 of80 The connection test succeeded.

Crant decision number:2019 - 1559 /001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019



The request for payment of the balance has to be sent by means of electronic final report form (e-final

report), which has to be accompanied by the following documents justifying the final determination of the unit contribution and lump sums financing:

- Declaration on honour; - Financial final report -grantcalculation sheet.

The acceptance of the final report is conditioned upon the publication of the project-related information on the website of the beneficiary in accordance with the requirements available in the website:


Grant decision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 2019 ANNEX IV ACTIVITY REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED The request for payment of the balance has to be sent by means of electronic final report form (e-final report), which has to be accompanied by the following documents justifying the final determination of the unit contribution and lump sums financing: - Declaration on honour; - Financial final report — grant calculation sheet. The acceptance of the final report is conditioned upon the publication of the project-related information on the website of the beneficiary in accordance with the requirements available in the website: en

Grant dccision number: 2019 - 1559 / 001 - 001 Model grant decision: May 20 I9

Electronically signed on 05/08/2019 16:31 (UTC+02) in accordance with article 4.2 (Validity of electronic documents) of Commission Decision 2004/563

6107 ABIA :UOISIDIp JuLIS 100 - 100/ 6SSI - 6107 :J9qunu UOISIIIp JULID
E a? CSA E oa
    1. 2019-08-07T13:09:33+0000

Atasament: Raport_specialitate.pdf


Bd. C.D. Loga nr. 1, 300030 Timişoara, tel: +40 256 408 300, fax:+40 256 493 017 e-mail: [email protected] internet:

RAPORT DE SPECIALITATE privind aprobarea participării Municipiului Timişoara la proiectul “European Towns

Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities”/„Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta împotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităţilor”- nr. 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT

Promovarea dialogului intercultural şi combaterea discriminării sunt obiective asumate de comunitatea locală, de consiliul local şi municipalitate prin diferite documente programatice, iar participarea la dialogul din interiorul Uniunii Europene referitor la aceste probleme este o modalitate de acţiune pentru atingerea acestor obiective. Municipiul Timişoara va fi în anul 2021 Capitală Europeană a Culturii şi conform programului, a Strategiei Culturale a Municipiului Timişoara 2014- 2024, a Strategiei de Tineret şi a altor documente şi-a însuţit promovarea dialogului intercultural şi combaterea discriminării.

De asemenea, la nivelul municipiului există un Consiliu Consultativ al Minorităţilor Naţionale, care funcţionează pe baza dialogului în ceea ce priveşte elaborarea şi aplicarea politicilor publice în domeniul minorităţilor naţionale. Alături de acesta, de mai mulți ani își derulează activitatea un număr de 20 Consililii Consultative de Cartier, precum și 1 Consiliu Consultativ pe Probleme de Tineret, și 1 Consiliul Consultativ pentru Turism, toate cele 23 de structuri de consultare publică contribuind activ la implicarea cetățenilor Timișoarei cu privire la realizarea obiectivelor de interes local, contribuind totodată în acest mod la creșterea nivelului de trai din zonă.

Proiectul „European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination

of Migrants and Minorities”/„Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta impotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităţilor” se înscrie în obiectivele programului Capitală Europeană a Culturii conceput "cu scopul de a apropia popoarele Europei" şi de a celebra contribuţia oraşelor la dezvoltarea culturii. Impactul promovării multiculturalităţii asupra comunităţilor şi regiunilor determină şi nevoia unei mai extinse colaborări între oraşele care au deţinut titlul, cele care urmează să îl deţină şi cele care aspiră la el.

În acest context, Municipiul Timişoara, ca partener în proiect, are de câştigat prin împărtăşirea din experienţa şi bunele practici care vor fi analizate în cadrul reuniunilor internaţionale. Timişoara a fost şi este un oraş în care multiculturalitatea şi toleranţa etnică şi religioasă sunt componente definitorii, fapt pentru care poate contribui cu experienţa sa la dialogul trans-european care se va realiza în cadrul proiectului. Aşadar, proiectul reprezintă o oportunitate pentru Timişoara de a implica activ membri comunităţii în valorificarea viitoare a titlului de Capitală Europeană a Culturii(CEC) prin prisma dialogului şi a combaterii discriminării.

Proiectul oferă Timişoarei oportunitatea de a mobiliza cetăţeni care să ia parte activă la dezbaterea problemelor la nivel european, în oraşele şi ţările partenere în proiect şi a îmbunătăţi şi dezvolta programele şi strategiile sale.

Obiectivul proiectului este cel de promovare a dialogului multicultural şi combatere a discriminării, iar un obiectiv specific, în contexul prezenţei în dezbatere a 5 oraşe Capitale Europene ale Culturii este şi cel de punere în valoare a potenţialului programului CEC de a contribui la consolidarera specificului multicultural şi diversificarea modalităţilor de integrare şi cooperare a

Cod FO53-01, ver. 2

minorităţilor etnice şi a migranţilor. Se are în vedere iniţierea şi permanentizarea unor acţiuni, prin includerea în programele locale şi regionale multianuale de finanţare, în strategii, programe şi planuri de acţiune pentru oraşele şi regiunile participante în proiect, pentru factorii de decizie de la nivel naţional şi european. În cadrul proiectului, partenerii vor analiza şi împărtăşi modalităţi de abordare şi exemple de bună practică în combaterea discriminării şi stimularea dialogului intercultural.

Proiectul se desfăşoară în perioada septembrie 2019 - septembrie 2021 şi presupune 5 reuniuni la nivel european în oraşe participante în proiect.

Proiectul este finanţat prin prin Agenţia Executivă pentru Educaţie, Audiovizual şi Cultură (EACEA) din Bruxelles în cadrul programului „Europa pentru cetăţeni”, Componenta 2: Implicare democratică și participare civică, Acțiunea 2.2.: Rețele de orașe.

Valoarea proiectului este de 148.680 Euro. Pentru Timişoara se preconizează participarea la cel puțin 5 evenimente, participare care se va realiza pe cheltuiala administraţiei locale timişorene, respectându-se prevederile HG 518/1995, actualizată. Partenerul principal va rambursa cheltuielile de călătorie/deplasare în cuantum de până la 150 euro/persoană pentru participanţii la evenimentele internaţionale ale proiectului. Diferenţa va reprezenta contribuţia Municipiului Timişoara privind participarea în cadrul proiectului. La fel, în cazul realizării de materiale, traduceri, tipărituri, ori alte activităţi de comunicare, mese rotunde, seminarii, activități de catering, evenimente de comunicare ori de diseminare, respectiv cheltuieli legate de experți, cheltuieli de deplasare pentru experți/traineri și participanți; toate cheltuielile generate de activitățile anterior enumerate, inclusiv cele de coordonare/realizare generală la nivel local, respectiv de ordin administrativ, vor reprezenta contribuţia Municipiului Timişoara în cadrul proiectului.

Pentru evenimentele realizate la nivel local, coordonatorul proiectului va rambursa costuri în cuantum de maxim 1.000 Euro, după prezentarea documentelor justificative.

Având în vedere prevederile legale expuse în prezentul raport, apreciem că proiectul de

hotărâre privind aprobarea participării Municipiului Timişoara la proiectul „European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities”/„Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta împotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităţilor”- nr. 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT îndeplineşte condiţiile pentru a fi supus dezbaterii şi aprobării plenului consiliului local.

Director, Direcţia Comunicare-Relaţionare

Alina Pintilie

Consilier, Direcţia Comunicare-Relaţionare Ovidiu Simonetti

Atasament: Memorandum.pdf

Memorandum of Cooperation between the Lead Partner and the Project Partner

within the project “European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue

and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities” 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT

This Memorandum was concluded in Carnikava, Latvia between the Carnikavas novada pašvaldība (ENG: Carnikava Municipality), Stacijas iela 5, Carnikava, Carnikavas novads, Registration number: 90000028989, represented by Ms. Daiga Mieriņahereinafter referred to as the “Lead Partner" and(name, address and country), represented by hereinafter referred to as the “Project Partner”

in order to implement the project "European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities", number 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT, approved by The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels.

§ 1 The purpose of this Memorandum is to provide a guarantee of validity and sustainability of the project partnership during all stages of its implementation.

§ 2 2.1. By signing this Memorandum the Project Partner confirms its participation in the project

"European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities", and undertakes not to resign from it until the official completion.

2.2. If there will occur a situation in which the Project Partner will be forced to withdraw from the project, it is required to provide a written explanation of the reasons for that decision and take all measures to minimize possible losses arising therefrom, including an indication of at least one new Project Partner to convey to it its tasks.

§ 3 3.1. This Memorandum shall be effective upon signature. 3.2. The validity of this Memorandum will expire on approval of the final report of the project

"European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities" by The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.

§ 4 4.1. The Project Partner declares that it will adhere to the schedule, activities, results, indicators and

the content transmitted and listed in the approved application form and its annexes. 4.2. The Project Partner is committed to participate actively in the project and care for the quality of

the project throughout its duration, especially to take all possible means to participate in five international project Events with 2 representatives.

4.3. The Lead Partner agrees to reimburse the travel expenses up to 150,00 EUR per person for the participants of the five project international events who are representing the Project Partner in the matter. The travelling expenses will be reimbursed after the events upon the submission of travel documents and invoices that prove the travelling expenses (gasoline expenses, airplane tickets, etc.) by the Project Partner.

4.4. In case that travel expenses exceed the 150, 00 EUR per representative, the Project Partner shall cover the remaining costs unless the Lead Partner agrees to cover it fully or to some extent based on the analysis of the specific situation.

4.5. Project Partner undertakes to organize Local Activity as described in Project and Lead Partner undertakes to reimburse costs related to Local Activity in an amount not exceeding 1000.00 EUR. The expenses related to the Local Activity implemented by the Project Partner between May and October 2020 will be reimbursed upon the submission of financial documents by the Project Partner and invoices that prove the expenses. Eligible expenses in this matter are:

- hire of a venue

Co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of tne European Union

- catering - staff costs - experts costs - travel costs of experts/ trainers and participants - communication means - promotion and dissemination - printing materials.

§ 5 5.1. The Project Partner will apply tools of communication and promotion of the project in accordance

with its application form. 5.2. Tools of communication and promotion should play an important role in any activities organized

by the Project Partner in order to spread project results. § 6

The Project partner takes into consideration that the results of the project should be available to the public, and agrees to make them accessible to all interested parties.

§ 7 7.1. This Memorandum will be signed in English. 7.2. In the case of any discrepancy in the interpretation of the provisions of this Memorandum the

English text is conclusive due to the fact that English is the working language of partnership implementing the project “European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities“.

§ 8 This Memorandum shall be subjected to Latvian law as applicable to the Lead Partner.

§ 9 9.1.This agreement shall only be amended in writing and submitted for the approval of all the signatory

“European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities“project partners.

9.2. The Lead Partner and the Project Partner agree not to withdraw from the project. If this were nonetheless to happen the Project Partner will be obliged to present a written approval of such withdrawal signed by all the Project Partners as well as shall endeavor to cover his contribution, either by assuming his tasks or by asking one or more new Project Partners to join the partnership.

§ 10 This Memorandum is executed in two copies, each for either Party.

The Lead Partner The Project Partner

Carnikavas novada dome Address: Stacijas iela 5, Carnikava, Carnikavas novads, LV-2163 Registration number: 90000028989 Bank account: LV54TREL980242102500B Phone: +371 67993814 or +371 291603010 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Ms. Daiga Mieriņa ____________________ (Chairman of the Council) Carnikava, 15.11.2019.




Co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of tne European Union

Atasament: Expunere_motive.pdf

1 Cod FO53-03, Ver.2

EXPUNERE DE MOTIVE PRIVIND OPORTUNITATEA PROIECTULUI DE HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea participării, în calitate de partener, a Municipiului

Timişoara la proiectul nr. 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT, intitulat “European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities”/„Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta împotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităţilor”, proiect aprobat de Agenţia Executivă pentru

Educaţie, Audiovizual şi Cultură (EACEA) din Bruxelles în cadrul programului „Europa pentru cetăţeni” 2014-2020, Reţele de oraşe şi a contribuţiei Municipiului Timişoara în

acest proiect

1. Descrierea situaţiei actuale

Municipiul Timişoara va fi în anul 2021 Capitală Europeană a Culturii şi conform dosarului cu care a câştigat competiţia naţională, a Strategiei Culturale a Municipiului Timişoara 2014- 2024, a Strategiei de Tineret şi a altor documente programatice, şi-a asumat promovarea dialogului intercultural şi combaterea discriminării. De asemenea, la nivelul municipiului există un Consiliu Consultativ al Minorităţilor Naţionale, care funcţionează pe baza dialogului structurat în ceea ce priveşte elaborarea şi monitorizarea aplicării politicilor publice în domeniul minorităţilor naţionale. Astfel, ca urmare a interesului de principiu manifestat de către administraţia locală timişoreană faţă de proiectul intitulat „European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities”/„Orașe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural și lupta impotriva discriminării migranților și minorităților”, am fost informaţi cu privire la aprobarea de către Agenția Executivă pentru Educație, Audiovizual şi Cultură (EACEA) din Bruxelles, a proiectului nr. 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT. Ţările implicate, respectiv partenerii în proiect sunt: Letonia-Carnicava Municipality – coordonator / lider de proiect, Spania-Iniesta Municipality, Albania -Albanian Association of Municipalities, Olanda International Labour Association Macedonia-Macedonian Network of Local Action Groups, Mogila Municipality, România- Timişoara (Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2021), Polonia-Aleksandrów Łódzki, Serbia- Novi Sad 2021 (Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2021), Croaţia-Rijeka 2020 (Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2020). Italia-Municipality of Polpenazze del Garda, Bulgaria- Rhodopes Center for Community Development, Marea Britanie Downpatrick Twinning Partnership, Lituania -Regional Development Agency (Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2022), Grecia- ARSIS - Assosiation for the Social Support for Youth (tbc). Menţionăm că în acest proiect mai sunt, pe lângă Timişoara încă 4 oraşe foste şi viitoare Capitale Europene ale Culturii, inclusiv Novi-Sad, care va fi împreună cu Timişoara Capitală Europeană a Culturii în 2021.


Bd. C.D. Loga nr. 1, 300030 Timişoara, tel: +40 256 408 300, fax:+40 256 490 635 e-mail: [email protected] internet:

2 Cod FO53-03, Ver.2

2. Schimbări preconizate şi rezultate aşteptate

Proiectul „European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities”/„Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta impotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităților” se înscrie în obiectivele programului Capitală Europeană a Culturii conceput "cu scopul de a apropia popoarele Europei" şi de a celebra contribuţia oraşelor la dezvoltarea culturii. Popularitatea programului, influenţa culturală, socială şi economică tot mai sporite în ultimii ani, precum şi impactul promovării multi-culturalităţii asupra comunităţilor şi regiunilor determină şi nevoia unei mai extinse colaborări între oraşele care au deţinut titlul, cele care urmează să îl deţină şi cele care aspiră la el.

În acest context, Municipiul Timişoara, ca partener în proiect, are de câştigat prin împărtăşirea din experienţa şi bunele practici care vor fi analizate în cadrul reuniunilor internaţionale preconizate. De asemenea, ca oraş european definit prin dialogul intercultural, Timişoara a fost şi este un oraş în care multi-culturalitatea şi toleranţa etnică şi religioasă sunt componente definitorii, fapt pentru care poate contribui cu experienţa sa la dialogul trans- european care se va realiza în cadrul proiectului. În consecinţă, proiectul reprezintă o oportunitate pentru Timişoara de a implica activ membri comunităţii în valorificarea viitoare a titlului de Capitală Europeană a Culturii(CEC) prin prisma dialogului şi a combaterii discriminării.

Totodată, proiectul oferă Timişoarei oportunitatea de a mobiliza cetăţeni care să ia parte activă la dezbaterea problemelor la nivel european, în oraşele şi ţările partenere în proiect şi în găsirea de soluţii pentru a promova valorile fundamentale universal valabile. Proiectul se orientează spre punerea în valoare a potenţialului programului CEC de a contribui la consolidarera specificului multicultural şi diversificarea modalităţilor de integrare şi cooperare a minorităţilor etnice şi a migranţilor, folosind mobilizarea de resurse din cadrul CEC şi permanentizarea unor acţiuni, prin includerea în programele locale şi regionale multi-anuale de finanţare, în strategii, programe şi planuri de acţiune pentru oraşele şi regiunile participante în proiect, pentru pentru factorii de decizie de la nivel naţional şi european. În cadrul proiectului, partenerii vor analiza şi împărtăşi modalităţi de abordare şi exemple de bună practică în combaterea discriminării şi stimularea dialogului inter- cultural. Astfel, proiectul îşi propune:

1)să realizeze o analiză a experienţei fostelor gazde ale CEC, a nevoilor şi obiectivelor viitoarelor Capitale Europene ale Culturii, în cadrul seminariilor care urmează a fi organizate de către partenerii în proiect

2) să transpună în exemple de bune practici aceste experienţe spre a fi utilizate în noile iniţiative de promovare a coperării şi combatere a discriminării, prin implicarea diverşilor actori interesaţi (instituţii publice, actori responsabili de proiectele CEC; organizaţiile non- guvernamentale, alte sectoare din sfera educaţională, de tineret, social etc.).

3) să elaboreze planuri de acţiune locale. 4) să implementeze şi să monitorizeze planurile de acţiune locale 5) să transmită recomandări către programul CEC privind modalitatea de a-şi spori

impactul pozitiv asupra promovării dialogului şi cooperării, precum şi pentru combaterea discriminării.

6) să disemineze exemplele de bune practici identificate.

3 Cod FO53-03, Ver.2

3. Alte informaţii Proiectul va fi implementat în intervalul de timp septembrie 2019 – septembrie 2021. Suma

maximă finanţată este în cuantum de 148.680 euro, prin Agenţia Executivă pentru Educaţie, Audiovizual şi Cultură (EACEA) din Bruxelles în cadrul programului “Europa pentru cetăţeni”, Reţele de oraşe. Coordonatorul a solicitat semnarea unui Memorandum de colaborare. Textul comunicat se regăseşte în anexa prezentei.

4. Concluzii Având în vedere expunerea de motive de mai sus, considerăm necesară şi oportună

aprobarea participării Municipiului Timişoara, în calitate de partener, în cadrul proiectului nr. 612749-CITIZ-1-2019-1-LV-CITIZ-NT, intitulat „European Towns Fostering Intercultural Dialogue and Combating Discrimination of Migrants and Minorities”/„Oraşe europene care promovează dialogul intercultural şi lupta împotriva discriminării migranţilor şi minorităţilor”, proiect aprobat de Agenţia Executivă pentru Educaţie, Audiovizual şi Cultură (EACEA) din Bruxelles în cadrul programului „Europa pentru cetăţeni” 2014-2020 şi a contribuţiei financiare aferente.